Deciding to purchase the Stampin' Up Starter Kit is an exciting decision! There are so many benefits:

  • 20% discount 
  • Potential to earn up to 40% of your sales
  • Early and exclusive access to new products
  • Opportunity to earn free product through various incentives
  • Qualify for cash bonuses, free product, incentive trips and more
  • Receive Stampin' Success magazine bimonthly with exclusive project and business ideas
If you choose to purchase your kit through me, there are even more added benefits. You will be a part of my amazing team and will be invited to join in all the fun we have together.
Join Here
  • Monthly get-togethers and/or Facebook Live Demonstrations.  
  • Continual support from me.   
  • Free Class Planners- my downline get my Class Planners and Tutorial PDFs for free every single month!
  • Team recognition and incentives- PRIZES! Lot's of them! The incentives change from time to time, but I one that is constant is my $500 club. Everyone who sells more that $500 each month gets a prize. I reward for promotions and sales and occasionally we have recruiting contests. 
  • Team Facebook Page- this is where we’ve really gotten to know each other! 
  • Monthly Creative Challenges (more prizes!)
  • Promotion Locket Necklace and Charms
  • Business Builders bimonthly Video Conference for those interested- I do a video conference with all who are interested basically every other week. 
  • Discounted Class To Go Kits- All my class to go kits are about $10 for my downline. I want them to purchase the products (stamp sets, ribbon, whatever the product is included in my kits) on their own demo number so they get their discount and their minimums! 
What's in the Starter Kit?

Whatever you want! For just $99, you choose $125 in products. Plus, there is NO shipping cost!

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